
We recognise that all individuals are inter-dependent. Our actions effect other people. Our aim is to encourage people to work with others to improve their lives. Underlying this is an ideal of mutual aid. By helping and supporting each other, we can all improve our lives.

We can see examples of mutual aid all around us. People work together to achieve shared goals. We also help each other out in difficult times. At ACE, we would like to see even more mutual aid. This includes everything from starting up non-profit social groups to organising massive social change based on shared resources, participatory democracy and co-operation.

If you would like to encourage more mutual aid, too, we invite you to get involved. ACE and all of the groups that use the Centre are always looking for more people to participate. You can also support ACE through donations of money (either a one off or by standing order), office equipment or books for the library. Feel free to contact us if you want any more information or would like to get involved.

autonomy: independence, independent; the right of self government; an independent state or community; freedom to act as one pleases; freedom of will.

ACE is run collectively by a friendly group who are drawn from the variety of groups and individuals who use ACE for their activities. We share a vision of a world without bosses and so try to work together non-hierarchically in a spirit of respect and friendship. By sharing experiences, skills and knowledge, we hope to help each other improve our homes, communities, workplaces and lives. We try to contribute to the struggles going on around the world that aim to transform our society for the better.