
If you’re part of a group or want to set one up and think ACE could help please get in touch. Our rates vary on a sliding scale from free to £10 an hour, depending on your income.

Ace provides a meeting space as well as a mailbox address and offers a wide range of other support for members.

Information on each of the groups based at Ace can be found below.

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty & Edinburgh Claimants

Please check out the ecap website for the most up to date information on ECAP's Tuesday drop-in. We are still operating but alternative arrangements have been made. Let us know if you need anything. We are still here during the Coronavirus crisis Edinburgh Claimants was set up by people who are unemployed, too sick to work,...

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IWW Edinburgh

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies) is an international, left-wing, grass-roots trade union run by its members. They aim to fight against capitalism in the here and now with the eventual goal of abolishing capitalism and putting workers in control of their own workplaces. Edinburgh IWW is the local branch and has...

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International Women’s Strike Edinburgh

Committee for the organisation of the International Women’s Strike Edinburgh, 8th of March. A safe space for anyone who identifies as women and non-binary. Facebook & twitter IWSE is a group of women organising a feminist demonstration for 8th March in the Scottish capital. This group of migrant and Scottish women have open meetings on...

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