Justice for Sheku Bayoh – Vigil at Public Inquiry – Mon 28 Aug 8.30am
Sheku Bayoh was a black man who died in police custody in Kirkcaldy, Fife on 3 May 2015 after he was held face down by up to nine police officers after subjecting him to CS spray, pepper spray, batons, handcuffs and leg restraints.
Since 1969, in the UK there has not been a single successful prosecution of a police officer for homicide. A Public Inquiry is underway looking at the circumstances leading up to the death of Sheku, as well as the post-incident management and the investigation into his death, and whether race played a part in what happened.
Justice for Sheku Bayoh – Vigil at Public Inquiry
Mon 28 Aug 8.30am – approx 10am
Capital House, Festival Square, Lothian Road, Edinburgh
Please support the Justice for Sheku Bayoh campaign and family as the Public Inquiry hearings resume on Monday, and hear the music, brief speeches, and poetry at the vigil.
Confirmed speakers and artists include Zia Hussain (UNISON Black Workers Committee), Bee Asha Singh (rapper and spoken word artist), Prof. Phil Taylor, Des Loughney (Edinburgh TUC), the Fire Brigades Union, PCS union, UNISON, Stand Up To Racism, Protest in Harmony choir, and Aamer Anwar (criminal defence lawyer, and solicitor for the Sheku Bayoh family). Do come by if you can, even if only for a few minutes on your way to work.
As well as attending the vigil, you can sign up to attend hearing days, to support the family:
Inquiry website home page https://www.shekubayohinquiry.scot
Please see https://linktr.ee/justiceforsheku for many more ways to support the Justice for Sheku Bayoh campaign