Latest on The Bedroom Tax Edinburgh
yes v interesting article, was also in Independent
Despite the huge rise in applications for DHP City of Edin council have
voted against topping up their Discretionary Housing Fund. All councils
have the power to significantly increase their fund (by up to 250% i
A green party motion to look into topping up the Fund was defeated 12-2 at
the corporate policy and strategy committee meeting last tuesday 14th. It
was claimed that in edinburgh DHP payments were below the expected level –
probably because they have not responded to, or have turned down most
However council leader andrew burns did not rule out boosting the fund in
the coming months if it was shown this was needed. But the general
impresssion was that the councillors werre complacent and either unaware
or didnt care what was actually happening on the ground.
I think we need to step up the pressure to force the CEC to increase the
fund. I understand a petition to demand this has been drawn up.
Also everyone should be encouraged to apply for a DHP – but its essential
to get advice on how to fill in the form, eg you must show your
expenditure at least equals your income, before the bedroom tax was
applied, to show you cant afford it. We have heard of someone with
serious disabilities and illnesses who has been turned down for DHP on the
grounds their income was greater than their expenditure.
Also people should apply for an exemption, especially if they have
disabilities. The local anti bedroom tax groups in muirhouse and pilton
can send you more info on exemptions and DHP – also you can call in at our
bedroom tax info point every thursday 12 – 2pm at the new community shop
on pennywell rd (old pork sausage shop)
if you have applied, do let us know your experiences, and if you have been
turned down, do contest the decision and let us know so we can help.
Local councillor cammy day has told us he wants to hear about cases….
also the green councillors steve burgess and chas booth, who moved the
motion to boost the DHP funds have asked to be told of cases…
cheers mike