
If you’re part of a group or want to set one up and think ACE could help please get in touch. Our rates vary on a sliding scale from free to £10 an hour, depending on your income.

Ace provides a meeting space as well as a mailbox address and offers a wide range of other support for members.

Information on each of the groups based at Ace can be found below.

Chiapas Solidarity Group

The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group is one of many groups across the world which support the Zapatistas in their struggle. Our main purpose is to raise awareness of the Zapatista struggle and to give practical help wherever possible. We aim to do this by organising talks, film showings, benefit gigs, street stalls and direct actions...

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Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty & Edinburgh Claimants

Please check out the ecap website for the most up to date information on ECAP's Tuesday drop-in. We are still operating but alternative arrangements have been made. Let us know if you need anything. We are still here during the Coronavirus crisis Edinburgh Claimants was set up by people who are unemployed, too sick to work,...

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IWW Edinburgh

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies) is an international, left-wing, grass-roots trade union run by its members. They aim to fight against capitalism in the here and now with the eventual goal of abolishing capitalism and putting workers in control of their own workplaces. Edinburgh IWW is the local branch and has...

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Scottish Radical Library

Based here at ACE, the Scottish Radical Library (SRL) can be accessed during normal opening hours. However on a Tuesday the ECAP drop-in makes it difficult to access the full library. SRL membership is free and we encourage people to come and browse both the library and the other resources ACE has to offer. Alongside...

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Mutual Aid & Autonomy

We recognise that all individuals are inter-dependent. Our actions effect other people. Our aim is to encourage people to work with others to improve their lives. Underlying this is an ideal of mutual aid. By helping and supporting each other, we can all improve our lives. We can see examples of mutual aid all around...

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Vegan Potluck

Every month a potluck is organised by the Vegan Edinburgh + Glasgow (VEG) group. To find out when, email ACE or message the group on Facebook link below. For more information on the group visit them at

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SCOT-PEP is dedicated to the promotion of sex workers’ rights, safety, and health. They are members of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE) and the UK Network of Sex Work Projects (UKNSWP). Although the primary focus is on Scotland, we view ourselves...

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Precariat Office / Oficina Precaria

Please check out the website and Facebook for info on how PIE are dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Face to face appointments have restarted but with strict social distancing and hygiene measures in place. Appointments only. [31 July 2020] Precariat Office Scotland / Oficina Precaria / PIE – the places unions don’t reach.   Who...

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Sisters Uncut Edinburgh

Join ‘Sisters Uncut Edinburgh’ at our regular open meetings. If you're interested in organising against austerity, and working to support domestic violence services in Scotland, then come along and find out all the different ways you can be involved! **Sisters Uncut is a feminist group taking direct action for domestic and sexual violence services** Our...

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Green Anti-Capitalist Front

This is the Edinburgh branch of the Green Anti-Capitalist Front. Find them on Facebook & Twitter or email them Meetings are advertised both on ACE Facebook and on this website's 'Events' page. The Edinburgh branch of the Green Anti-Capitalist Front -- an alliance of groups and individuals, united by a belief that capitalism is...

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Food Help

Weekly Food Bank at ACE & More Food Solidarity Food and Resources Bank at ACE every Thursday 10.30am – 2pm Organised by Oficina Precaria / Precarity Office Scotland / PIE – non-perishable food, toiletries, hygiene products and some children’s clothes are available free. Their website here. There's also an Emergency 1-Stop Shop 11:30 - 1pm...

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Action for Trans Health

Edinburgh Action for Trans Health is a local chapter of the @Act4TransHealth national organisation, fighting for democratic access to health care and trans liberation. The group meets at Ace and if you’d like to come along, please email the below address. Check out our Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts for more information.    

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Common Ground

Homeless-led Action & Advocacy  What rights do you have if you are homeless? Terrible conditions in the B&B - what can I do? Feeling isolated and don't know where to turn for support? Been there and done it, and want to help others who are experiencing homelessness? This group can help. speaking about and sharing...

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International Women’s Strike Edinburgh

Committee for the organisation of the International Women’s Strike Edinburgh, 8th of March. A safe space for anyone who identifies as women and non-binary. Facebook & twitter IWSE is a group of women organising a feminist demonstration for 8th March in the Scottish capital. This group of migrant and Scottish women have open meetings on...

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Not Your Fault

Not Your Fault is a peer-led support group for all men (trans, cis, & otherwise) and all non-binary people (or any/no gender) who have experienced sexual violence. We currently hold monthly meetings in Glasgow, UK,. We also have fortnightly meetings in Edinburgh, UK and fortnightly meetings online. Check our upcoming meeting dates.

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