
ACE – the struggle continues!

The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh continues our activity, though currently we are without premises. ACE is working with other groups to form a new Edinburgh Social Centre with new longer-term premises which will be big enough to house the Scottish Radical Library and have more room for meetings, gatherings and organising.

As the climate crisis and cost of living crisis intensify, there is more need than ever for a base for grass-roots anti-authoritarian organising to resist capitalism, patriarchy and all oppression. If you or your group are interested in this project please get in touch. More on this soon.

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty continues to hold support sessions every Tuesday by appointment, please email ecapmail@gmail.com and ECAP will contact you with all details of date, time, venue etc. ECAP also welcomes participation in its regular jobcentre stalls.
The IWW continues its activities – edinburgh@iww.org.uk

For more information read our blog post here.

About ACE

The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE) is a self-managed social resource centre open to groups & individuals trying to make a better society and improve their lives.  ACE exists to support and encourage people to take more control of their lives. We believe in people co-operating as equals to create a shared world free from exploitation. We work together in the spirit of mutual aid.
